
I am a percussionist, music-lover, chamber musician, teacher, curator, writer, and life-long learner.

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productivity Michael Compitello productivity Michael Compitello

Thinking more on Pre-Practice Rituals

If you’ve been following my recent posts, you might have noticed that I’ve been working through my thoughts on how we might learn music with an eye towards innovative interpretations. Thus far I’ve laid out some of my ideas on why historical study can be a good idea.

Let’s catch up:

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You might say “finally! We can finally practice.  Cancel my plans and break out the Pomodori!”


Pre-practice work prepares you for deep work while practicing while priming you.  Your study, analysis, score preparation; they all help you ritualize your work, make grand gestures, and set you up to execute like a business.  

By now you might be feeling comfortable situating the piece you are learning within a broader cultural context. You might also feel confident talking about the music of the composer you’re studying in a nuanced and detailed fashion. You are able to articulate general characteristics of the composer’s output, point to specific works as exemplars.  You stand at the ready in case a prestigious university calls  and asks if you’d teach a seminar on the composer’s work (a GRADUATE seminar, no less—perhaps in a wood-paneled room with a dark mahogany table).

You’ll develop your own metric for how much is enough with regard to broad context—it should change throughout your career, of course—but I measure my readiness to move to a piece-specific study on a sliding scale.  Teaching a graduate seminar on the piece is at one end, and making a good conversational point at a cocktail party at the other. 

We have more work to do.

When learning a new work, your goals when practicing should be (in any order)

  • Develop the musculature and physical technique necessary to undertake the demands of the work at hand

  • Learn the piece, taking in all notes, rhythms, dynamics, expressive markings, formal concerns, characters, tempi; anything in the text of the piece

  • I had a teacher who would shout “know means know!”

  • Develop an range of interpretations you find to be not simply valid, but revolutionary and communicative

  • In the process, develop a set of physical practices that can help determine that you produce your desired interpretation with accuracy and precision and without performance anxiety

You can see how knowing something about the piece before you set stick to drum or bow to string might help speed this process up.  Or, having your music prepared and marked to facilitate efficient practice sessions. Or having listened to some recordings and developed some hypotheses about how you might approach the work. Pre-practice rituals are the superpower of the mature classical musician.  

If you’re new to pre-practice rituals, don’t skip them.  Rituals are foundational in getting yourself into the right mindset to learn, to focus, to drown out outside distractions.  While everyone has their own practices before they practice, these are my steps.

Pre-practice rituals are more valuable to our learning than you think.

They set you up for deep and meaningful work and engender brilliant and dynamic interpretations.  Don’t skip them!

My steps:

  1. Listen and Analyze

  2. Prepare the part

  3. Plan your learning

Listen and Analyze

  • Listen to the piece with and without the music. Fall in love!

  • Hear intuitively and buttress your intuition by asking and answering questions about the work. Use words to describe what you’re hearing

  • Visualize: what will it feel like to perform this piece?

The goal of our analysis is to buttress our intuition, to enable our ability to connect with audiences, to engender the transformative power of musical performance.  Nothing less.  These steps will keep you fully committed to your  oath to performance and connection, not writing a journal article (yet!)

Get your music ready

  • Print the music on high quality paper (nerd out!)

  • Figure out your page turns/tape

  • Mark Your Part:

    • Use colors

    • Give yourself performance instructions

Caring about these details develops your attention to detail and is a proxy for your commitment to an impactful performance

Plan your learning

  • Find your depth philosophy and ritualize

  • Make a schedule

  • Set goals

  • Create a mental representation before you practice

  • Creating a ritual and rhythm around your work gives you the freedom to be creative. Likewise, leveraging your musical analysis to give you an interpretation BEFORE you practice is key!

So far I’ve written thousands of words on this topic. Looking forward to sharing them in a more organized fashion!

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Michael Compitello Michael Compitello

Tonight's "Did you know?"

Tonight’s “did you know” Wikipedia spiral (I promise I’m working!!)

Scenes from the Atles Catalá (Catalan Atlas), a mappamundi from 1375 thought to be created by the Majorcan cartographic school, a collection of predominantly Jewish cartographers and mapmakers working in Mallorca before Spain’s expulsion of the Jews (1492). It highlights known locales and their religious/political allegiances.  Text is oriented towards the edge of the page since readers would have walked around a table to read (it’s no Michelin carte: the whole map is about 12’ long).  Beautiful, and highlights the way in which maps tell us so much about how a culture sees itself, the world, and its peoples’ place in it. It’s interesting to think who the audience for this map was, and what information it provides, what biases it reinforces, and what epiphanies it might have facilitated.  

This map also includes what is thought to be the first compass rose known on a European chart.  Medieval map makers used windrose networks (the straight lines) to account for a general inability to measure longitude at sea.  The lines provide a point of reference between the compass rose and the desired destination.

BTW, the first part of the atlas includes an astrological chart almost identical to ones I’ve seen in contemporary cathedrals in France.

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productivity Michael Compitello productivity Michael Compitello

Finding your Depth Philosophy and Getting to Work

I liked to think of myself as an adroit concentrator, but it wasn't until I brought rigor to how I focus that I started to be able to generate my best work reliably and regularly and with minimal friction. 

As the semester here in Arizona becomes increasingly hectic, I have been revisiting Cal Newport's Deep Work to remind myself of some best practices for focus and concentration.

Deep Work is focused uninterrupted, and productive work on any task. It mobilizes as much of your mental energy as possible, reducing distractions to a murmur and enabling your progress to compound.  Broadly similar to Deliberate Practice—the scientific method applied to skill development—and flow, that thrillingly elusive balance between challenge and skill, Newport posits Deep Work as a way to help tune out the distractions of contemporary life while training your brain to focus more effectively and powerfully.

For those of us struggling to find depth in our work amidst the noise, I want to share some of the lessons I took from Newport's work, particularly ideas about how to find one's Depth Philosophy and some practices for reducing the friction around getting to work. 

What's Your Depth Philosophy?

Your goal should be to find strategies, routines and rituals that get you into a deep, undisturbed focus with less willpower.  Central to that quest is understanding your Depth Philosophy, how Deep Work is integrated into your professional life. Four models include:


St. Jerome spent a LOT of time in Deep Work

Monastic workers devote long spans of time to a single task, eschewing almost everything else for months.  They always have a vacation email response.  If you need consecutive, uninterrupted chunks of time (say, if your success comes from doing one thing really well, or if you're in a field where you have a well-defined and highly valuable professional goal), you need to find a way to create this time for months on end.  Any separation or fragmentation will result in precipitous drops of productivity.


 Bi-Modal workers dedicate some clearly defined stretches of time to deep pursuits and leave the rest of their schedules open to "everything else."  During Deep Work sessions, a bi-modal worker will behave monastically—maybe without the beer brewing, but still distant and focused.  I think of this model as the "artist residency" philosophy.  Musicians rehearsing for a project or artists at residencies will set aside weeks to work on a single creative project with verve and intensity.  When they emerge, they find balance in their lives another way.  I see Bi-Modal work every summer at Avaloch Farm Music Institute, where chamber ensembles and composer/performer collaborations come to remote New Hampshire to work on creative projects for weeks on end.  Here’s a set of posts I wrote about this experience and the powerful synergy present in residencies.


Rhythmic workers realize that disappearing for weeks at a time is not great for most jobs.  They rigorously schedule blocks of time in which to work, keeping to them as much as possible.  A rhythm of productivity is powerful and compounding.

In music we see this all the time—composers who write music at the same time every day, performers who practice without fail each day, and ensembles who rehearse the most basic of material regularly. 


Journalistic workers fit Deep Work wherever they can into their schedule.  They can shift into work mode on a moment's notice, a particularly useful skill to have if you work in a deadline-driven profession.  Working Journalistically is challenging. Newport notes that "the ability to rapidly switch your mind from shallow to deep mode doesn’t come naturally." He also argues that quick deeps to high productivity requires high confidence, a "conviction.…typically built on a foundation of existing professional accomplishment. “

Most musicians are somewhere between Rhythmic and Journalistic workers on their own, and adopt a bi-modal approach to collaborative projects.  They develop their craft with regularly but respond to deadlines with spurts of their best and most focused work.  They're flailers and toilers and intermittent bingers. 

What next?

Knowing your ideal “Depth Philosophy” around work can help you more meaningfully integrate Deep Work into your practice.  But, how can we keep the world from invading while we're working? How can we get better at focusing? Newport gives from great ideas that have been game-changers in my own work and teaching.

Rituals: Not Just for Cults and Pierre Boulez

 First, work to ritualize your work.  Newport argues that "great artists work like accountants," leveraging strict habits before and during work to avoiding having to wait for inspiration to strike. Your rituals could be when you work, or for how long. They could be where you work—commuting to an office, or shutting the door to a room. They could a signal, like getting dressed a certain way, drinking a coffee, or (for me) getting out my metronome and some chocolate.  Your rituals also encompass your best practices while you work, a set of habits that work to compound your effort.  Supporting your efforts to go deep with some more rigid structures helps get your mind comfortable enough to generate new ideas. This might be why "highly effective people" have habits.

On a side note, the habits of great artists are alternately fascinating and boring.  I recommend Mason Currey’s Daily Rituals: How Artists Work for a window into the rigid work and flexible socialization of famously productive. 

Getting dressed for work can be a powerful ritual

Those who know me know that I have a process for almost any productivity challenge.  My processes are my rituals, methods I’ve developed to get my mind and body set to learn something new.  Likewise, if writing or researching, I am obsessive about my note-taking and outlining, which helps my recall and keeps me focused.

Make Grand Gestures

Even though systematized work is essential, Newport argues that sometimes a big project necessitates a radical change in work environment to engender serious commitment.  He notes that “to put yourself in an exotic location to focus on a writing project, or to take a week off from work just to think, or to lock yourself in a hotel room until you complete an important invention: These gestures push your deep goal to a level of mental priority that helps unlock the needed mental resources”

A Grand Gesture is in the eye of the beholder: you do not have to mirror JK Rowling and rent a hotel room until you finish your book. You could set aside an entire weekend to finish a task, or lock yourself in a room until you finish that annual faculty report (I know the feeling), or withhold chocolate until you learn notes (oh cruel world).  The key feature is to get something to be your main mental priority.  

Don't Work Alone

Not even Tin Tin worked alone all the time.

Even though much deep work for musicians is solitary, properly leveraging collaboration is an essential tool to increase the quality of your work.  Newport talks about ways of generating "serendipitous creativity" through a combination of isolation—deliberate practice—and chance encounters with others, opportunities to bounce ideas off another set of ears and receive meaningful feedback.  Most musicians know this intuitively.  Sometimes that walk to the water fountain is about more than just refilling your water bottle!  

Execute Like a Business

First, focus your execution on the most significant goals.  Simplicity in outlook—what I call the "themes" of my practice—focuses your energy.  Identify a small number of ambitious outcomes to pursue with your time rather than a large number of small goals.  Then, find a way to keep a score card of your work, a physical or digital artifact that displays your progress.  The mission is to create a “cadence of accountability” in your work, be it regular team meetings, or a weekly review session to make a plan for the coming week.  Jerry Seinfeld says “don't break the chain:” keep at your work each day to get in the habit of working in a focused manner. If you work more effectively in teams, look for ways of modeling that in your solo endeavors.

I'm more effective working in teams.  While in school, I developed "acountabilibddies," friends to whom I would tell my more individualized goals. My friends would definitely know if I didn't finish learning that piece or writing that paper, so their awareness kept me on track.

Finally, Newport encourages us to both be lazy and embrace boredom.  By injecting forced down time into your schedule, your brain has time to process your work and prepare for the next day.  At the same time, during work sessions Newport encourages us to think about taking breaks from focus rather than taking breaks from distractions.  Checking Twitter while writing an article doesn't destroy your focus muscles.  Instead, Newport argues that 'he constant switching from low-stimuli/high-value activities to high-stimuli/low-value activities, at the slightest hint of boredom or cognitive challenge, that teaches your mind to never tolerate an absence of novelty.” No absence of novelty = no presence of amazing new ideas. 

Training your brain to stay on task even when bored is challenging, but the reward is quick and easy access to your mind's unfettered creativity. 

Drain the Shallows

I also appreciated Newport's concept of "draining the shallows," the systematic reduction of work that is not your deepest work.  What's shallow work? Answering emails that someone else could easily write.  Filling out paperwork.  Newport argues that we should treat shallow work with suspicion because its damage to our ability to do deep work is often vastly overestimated.  Not only does shallow work—everything from deciding on a new model of space heater to filling out annual faculty reports—eat up valuable time, but it also diminishes your ability to work deeply by training your brain to only tackle tiny tasks.

 I (try to) use Newport's 3-part strategy to reduce shallow work:

  1. Schedule the entire day.  By setting aside blocks of work, you set the stage for insights.  5 hours of free time does not = 5 hours of work.

  2. Quantify the depth of your activities.  Ask yourself how long it would take to train someone to do the task at hand, and wonder (aloud if you need to) if the activity leverages your expertise and experience.

  3. Make a shallow reach budget

Tin Tin keeping up with his shallow work (note, he’s not working alone!)

Overall, work to put yourself in a position to say no to projects that are shallow while reducing shallowness in existing projects.  While nobody can step away from all tiny tasks indefinitely, we can ask ourselves how little time we're producing value and what activities we could step away from to increase that time.  I've tried to start keeping a budget of how long I can set aside for shallow tasks each week, and I try to leave it at that no matter how itchy I feel. 

 For those who work with me, the influence of Newport's ideas is straightforward to see.  His work has helped me blend notions of Deliberate Practice, flow, and time-management in a meaningful and parametric way.  Hope it's valuable for you as well and looking forward to hearing from you about your own rituals and Depth Philosophies! 



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Music School Application Guide


Interested in applying to music school but don't know where to start? This post will help you find schools to apply to based on YOUR priorities, organize your applications, and put your best foot forward in auditions.

It’s important to think about your applications as a learning process, not simply a competition. Applying to music school will make you a better performer, practicer, writer, and learner. I hope these tips will give you more time to focus on practicing, learning about schools, and developing your network.

Below, I’ll focus on some concrete tips for getting your application materials together. I’ve found that applications give students a lot of passive anxiety and get in the way of your musical preparation. As such, I wanted to focus on organization of the more logistical side of your applications.

If you’re applying to music school, I hope these tips make your work easier to read, more consistent, and more effective.

But First:

Should You Even Apply to Music School? What even IS music school? What is Music?

Hold on there! These are all good questions, if a bit too deep for a blog post. Let’s take on the first two of this in the name of framing.

First of all, studying music is about becoming a better person through the humanities, about self-actualization through the arts. As such, a music degree is really terrific training for almost any discipline. At the same time, keep in mind that your goal is to change yourself and change the world. Nothing less.

Studying music at the undergraduate or graduate level can take a number of different forms. You could take a few music classes, play in an ensemble, or take lessons while studying a different discipline. You could pursue a music degree within a liberal arts school, weaving the study of performance with a broader education around the sciences, humanities, or (almost) any other discipline. Or you could take on a performance major, narrowing your path of focus on music-specific courses to deepen your practice.

None of these experiences is objectively worse or better than the other, and there are amazing performers without music degrees, and countless examples of people studying music and moving to another field. Remember your goals above!

Your goal is to find the right balance of experiences and learning that will help you actualize your goals.

💡 Personal opinion alert: I love the contextualization and critical thinking that comes from studying music within a liberal arts context, and recommend as broad an experience as possible to those looking for undergraduate degrees. At the graduate level, focus can be helpful…

Selecting Schools: “Better” ≠ Better

Let’s say you’re convinced that studying music in college is right for you. How to decide where to apply?

In general, quality of instruction at American universities is so high that a motivated student can achieve astonishing results almost anywhere. Whereas traditionally elite institutions might tout the impact of network (sustained access to industry leaders as professors and guests), attention (smaller class size and more advising hours), resources of school (grants, opportunities for students, facilities, etc), and curation of student body (perhaps more likely to stay in professional contact with your cohort for longer), success in a music school might depend on a very different set of parameters!

Ecosystems of the Arts

Think about choosing a school as choosing an ecosystem in which you will live, grow, develop, and shine. While overall quality of school and the most amazing private teacher are certainly a part of that, they are not the only animals in the jungle. Let’s say you love collaborating with composers on new works. Perhaps a school with a strong composition program and ample opportunities to take on independent projects is critical. Maybe you want the context of studying music within a liberal arts framework, or the buzz of a big city vs a smaller town (with lower cost of living). Articulating your preferences and desires with regard to learning experience helps clarify your application journey, forcing you to be more specific in your goals. It also reduces anxiety by framing your application/audition process as one of self-actualization instead of competition.

💡 Hot tip: my belief is that for those interested in an undergraduate degree in music, an elite, top 5 school is not a requirement for professional success. A great teacher, a motivating community of peers, ample time and space to practice, and careful professional development through festivals and masterclasses, and financial burden are more important. For graduate school, where the goal is to pivot towards professionalized activities, the exposure and access of a “better” school might be what you need. But, maybe you’d rather have teaching opportunities, a low cost of living, or something else?

Here are some lenses through which you might both find schools to apply to and evaluate schools in which you’re interested. Some might be extremely important to you while others might be less of a priority.

Type of School

  • Is the music program a department of music, a school of music, or a conservatory? Music departments tend to situate music within a liberal arts framework. Schools of Music offer a bounded experience within a university, allowing students to major in performance while still taking classes beyond the confines of the School. Conservatories and Institutes are the most focused, with narrow degree paths around excellence in performance.

  • Type of Degree

    • In my estimation, the degree one receives is less important than the experiences contained within.

      • Undergraduates: a music performance degree (BM) is more focused and includes fewer electives than a BA. Within universities, most BA and BM degrees are similar, although you might find some variance among departments of music and conservatories.

    • Are there opportunities to double major, or take on a double degree? What about a music minor?

  • Location

    • Is the school in a small college town or a bustling metropolis?

  • Major Professor

    • What are the major professors in your instrument like? Are they prominent in their field? Are they specialists, focusing on one discreet area, or are they generalists, capable of guiding students down many paths? Does the school have a number of faculty in your instrument, or just one? Do students have sustained contact with faculty, or are they aloof and remote?

  • Quality of School

    • Yikes! Tough one. Does the school overall offer a quality educational experience? Even if you’re interested only in music, having great science/humanities/math courses is transformative.

  • Strength of Program

    • Strength can be measured in many ways. At its core, a wonderful music program engenders self-actualization through the study of music and the arts. More specifically, you might ask:

      • Does the program you are considering have a successful track record of alumni success?

      • Does the program create opportunities for its students to develop musically and engage professionally, generating meaningful networking and professional development opportunities while providing transformative musical training?

  • Student community

    • Student community can be measured in many ways

      • Diversity of student body, measured by any number of parameters

      • Collaboration or interaction between students

      • Availability of student-centered activities

    • Within music schools, we typically think of interlocking circles of interaction

      • Major instrument studio: what are other studio members like? Do they get along, or is studio class a battle royale?

      • School at large

        • Many schools of music and conservatories feel like high schools, with students taking many classes with the same cohort. What’s the energy or vibe?

  • Professional opportunities

    • Does the program give you opportunities to perform? To teach? To develop your craft in a meaningful way? To record yourself and develop your professional portfolio? To add to your resume?

  • Time

    • Will you have sufficient time to create and develop an independent project or to allow for meaningful reflection from your experiences? (see “cost”)

  • Health and wellness

    • Does the school offer resources around musician health? Are there physical therapists on staff? Can students work with audiologists? What about the school’s commitment to mental health?

  • Commitment to sustainable careers

    • A good school will help you discover career pathways and take meaningful steps towards attaining them. Some thoughts to consider

    • Does the school have an office of career development, or a similar hub that combines resources around helping students both ideate career possibilities and attain them?

    • Are there courses or seminars around making a career in the arts?

    • Does the school offer help pinpointing professional goals, finding opportunities, raising funds, developing portfolios, or other career support? Does the school collate and circulate professional opportunities?

    • Does the school offer resources for students to travel to auditions or conferences, or for attending summer festivals?

    • Is there a robust network of alumni that can provide networking opportunities?

    • Does the school have an office of international programs and scholarships that will help you identify fellowships and other study abroad opportunities and mentor/guide you through the application processes?

    • If none of the above, do the faculty take a hands-on role in mentoring and guiding the students?

  • Location

    • Is the school somewhere you’d like to work professionally? Since you’ll be spending significant time there, look for a geography conducive to your professional development. Is there freelance work in the area? Are there opportunities to create events? Is the location easily accessible? Is the weather good?

    • How does cost of living relate to tuition, financial aid, scholarships, and work study?

  • Facilities

    • Are there plentiful practice rooms on campus? What about rehearsal spaces that students might book?

    • If you play an instrument like piano or percussion, how robust is the school’s instrument collection?

    • How accessible is the campus? Is it easy to walk, bike, or drive there?

  • Exposure

    • Does the program connect you with a larger professional network? Will you have opportunities to perform in significant venues, or with prominent guest artists? Or, will you have sustained exposure to faculty who might be professional gatekeepers or enablers in your career?

  • Cost

    • The true cost of college (especially music school) is tough to measure and is wrapped in a tight ball which includes return on investment, cost of living, financial aid, and a whole lot of anxiety! Some things to think about with cost:

      • Availability of Financial Aid

      • Availability of performance-specific scholarships

      • % of financial aid awarded as student loans

        • In recent years, there has been greater transparency around the practice of using loans as “financial aid.” It’s important to be specific and honest here!

      • Cost of Living

How to Find Schools?

Discovering schools to add to your list can be challenging. If you have a private teacher or musical mentor, speak with them to get an initial framing. Beyond that, I recommend using your priorities as a filtering and discovery mechanism. If you are interested in learning from an esteemed teacher, check where your favorite performers teach. If you are interested in a school that has strong track record of professional success, look where some of your heroes went to school. For percussionist, seeing who is active and achieving acclaim in the Percussive Arts Society scene—winning the percussion ensemble competition, faculty performing or presenting at PASIC—is an easy way to gauge potential fits.

How Many Schools Should be on your list?

The number of schools you apply for is less important than the type of schools you apply for.  Organize your list of schools by types:

  1. Dream school! I already bought a sweatshirt and mug.

  2. I’d love to go to this school, and stand a good chance of getting in. I’ll get the sweatshirt at orientation.

While I’m rooting for a perfect match with your dream school, all-or-nothing thinking can be dangerous. If you can, have a few schools in the second category.  You never know what might happen. A current student might stay an additional year, your favorite school might lose some funding, or they could face an influx of applicants.  To a point, applying to more schools is helpful because it maximizes your chances, and the time taken to apply for more schools is not significantly more than applying for one school (if you are organized and diligent about these).  While I don’t think it’s a good idea to apply for a school you don't want to attend, narrowing your list of “favorite” schools before you apply can be dangerous.

Why else is number of schools less important than you might think? Let’s say you are interested in east coast conservatories. If you apply to 5 similar schools, the chances that a number of other prospective students have also selected the same schools is fairly high. From my perspective, the most important metric of how many schools should be on your list is meaningful diversity of applicant pool.

Organizing your Applications

Next, I recommend making a spreadsheet organizing what you’ll need at each school.  The goal here is to do as little work as possible, so look for commonalities between schools’ requirements.  Even if you’re an organized person, having all the information in one place can give you peace of mind while you practice.

Be sure to track:

  • Application Deadlines

  • Link to application (for easy reference)

  • Application log-in info.

    • I recommend using a password manager (I like 1 pass), but keeping track of at least your user ID on your spreadsheet can help save you time and the agony of remembering which dog’s name you used with “1” and “!”.

  • Prescreening repertoire.

    • Not all schools require prescreening recordings. If you’re applying to a school that does, prioritize the videos since most faculty members will look at them first. Here, the goal is to see what might work for multiple schools what might work for multiple schools. Keep in mind, some schools might have different technical requirements for pre-screening tapes, requiring a single take vs accepting multiple videos for pieces.

  • Personal statement required?

  • CV or Resume required?

  • Transcript sent?

  • Number of recommendation letters required?

You can use a spreadsheet to track your progress getting the applications together. Here’s a barebones one I made:

Time Management

Give yourself due dates for each of these steps to minimize your stress and get parts of your application out of the way as soon as possible. Ideally, you’ll want to leave plenty of time to record your pre-screening videos (if necessary), the most significant part of the application process outside of the live audition. Here’s a sample timeline, presuming a December 1 deadline:

  • As soon as possible:

    • Solicit letters of recommendation. Ask your recommenders permission to list them on your applications, and be careful to note whether the school solicits letters directly or if you have to collate and send letters.

  • October 18—November 1

    • Write and revise draft of personal statement

    • Complete draft of CV or resume and send to someone for comments

    • Log into application website for each school. You never know what surprises you might find there!

    • Organize your transcripts

  • November 15-21

    • Record the prescreening, giving yourself extra time to edit, re-record if needed and finalize the file exports

    • Upload video files to YouTube or school-recommended file service

  • November 22-24

    • Submit applications, leaving extra time to double, triple, quadruple check your materials

With rigorous deadlines for the “paper” elements of the application, you can spend more time practicing. For those concerned with their writing, leaving extra time to have a trusted advisor or peer read and offer comments is essential. Not sure how long these written elements will take? Use the Pomodoro Technique! If you don’t need to record prescreening videos, spend this time practicing!

Remember, this timeline might not work for you. What matters is that you think about getting parts of your applications out of the way with regularity instead of doing most of the work at the end of the process.

Audition Repertoire

What should you play for your audition repertoire? As little as possible

Look for repertoire that meets as many schools requirements as possible, so you can focus your energies on presenting your best possible performances.

Faculty tend to look for well-rounded performers with strong fundamentals and some degree of interest towards one or more disciplines.  Unless the school to which you are applying has a strong speciality, plan a program that shows your versatility while highlighting your strengths.

I recommend to my own students that they work to stretch themselves in some areas while picking familiar repertoire in others. For percussionists, that might mean a keyboard solo that’s challenging to you combined with a snare drum solo that shows your chops.  You don’t have to learn all new music for the audition—I’d rather my students spend their time refining their performances, since the recording process adds significant drag.

Absent specific requirements, I recommend selecting repertoire that would be familiar to the faculty at your schools.  The faculty are trying to evaluate your musicianship, and it’s easiest to do so with repertoire they know.  While your curatorial sensibility is important to the work you’ll do at your school, if you select a newer or relatively unknown work, buttress that selection with other opportunities to evaluate your core skills. Show off your tone, touch, musicianship, and interpretation, not your anxiety!


One of the great joys of teaching these days is the breath and diversity of interests my students bring to bear on their practice. Songwriting, pop music experience, non-western musical cultures, extracurricular collaborations, interdisciplinary work: In my opinion, these interests form a significant part of one’s musical personality and should be highlighted.

Let’s say you are interested in a career of creating and facilitating new collaborations. Showing your ability to do so is actually the thing that’s going to help you the most getting into school, instead of just lobotomizing yourself to play what other people play. If you think of your audition in this way, you are no longer in competition with others. Instead, you are striving to be the best version of yourself, and that’s a powerful reframing.

While many music schools have fairly narrow audition repertoire, there are ways to show your other skills:

  • ASK! Don't be afraid to ask if you can present something outside the schools written audition repertoire. As I wrote above, you are looking for the best ecosystem in which you can thrive. Measuring the faculty's response to your desire to show your musical personality can be a powerful indicator. Along that vein. if you are waging war on a school’s audition requirements, perhaps that means it’s not a great fit? Just saying…

  • If the school asks for a solo work, present that piece you commissioned, or a work that shows off the best facets of your playing or your engagement with non-Western musical cultures

  • Send some supplemental videos highlighting your work, either when you are in contact with the faculty ahead of your audition (see below) or as part of your pre-screening or remote audition materials.

  • Bring it up at the audition or interview

Don’t be afraid to be bold here!

Plan out your practice

Give yourself benchmarks along the way to make sure you stay on track learning and refining notes. Strive to know where you are in your learning process at each step of the way. Like many others, I use charts to organize my repertoire learning. However you do it, keeping your practice organized will help eliminate the kind of anxiety and strain that impedes your daily work.

Likewise, don’t do everything at once. Learning music is challenging, and having too much music in an early learning stage at once is a recipe for forgetfulness. I recommend that students work to get one or two pieces into a refinement stage before learning more repertoire, to ensure that your development is “sticky.”

Pre-screening Recordings

Some of the schools on your list might require pre-screening recordings. Some tips

Start recording yourself ASAP

I’ve written here about the essential value of recording to practicing. With pre-screening tapes, recording yourself helps prepare you for the actual recording session. Just as you might play through a recital before going on stage in front of an audience, before you track your tapes, set up some mics and give yourself a recording rehearsal. Make sure to wear your recording clothes. Listen critically to what you record to make concrete changes to your approach. At the same time, watch carefully to see how your visual presentation aligns with your perceptions. Giving yourself a little bit of time to make meaningful tweaks can ensure that you sound and look your best on your recording.

Recording can be stressful, so prepare early!

Use a Producer

While it’s certainly possible to record yourself, having a friend or colleague serve as a producer can allow you to focus on playing your best without critiquing yourself mid-take.  At the same time, a producer who knows you well can help manage your energy level during long recording sessions. A friend or colleague in the room can also mitigate that special flavor of performance anxiety: recording anxiety.

Find someone to help you engineer

Some percussionists are terrific audio engineers and videographers.  For those that aren’t, invest if you can in your recordings.  This could mean paying a professional to record you, or trading favors with a friend.  Having a great sounding and looking recording reduces the effort it takes to hear YOU, and highlights your playing.  At the same time, the pressure if having a limited amount of time with your engineer helps keep you on track and professional.


Check with each school as to whether they want an unedited take, or different videos for each piece.  While most schools allow you to type in information, including titles on your video is a helpful redundancy for tech-challenged faculty.

Application Strategies

Next, I’d like to give some tips for getting your application into shape. The goal is to let the audition committees hear you at your best while showing how your experiences have prepared you to become a valuable member of the community at their school.

Let’s tackle each of these items one at a time:

Grades and Test Scores: they matter!

Last year I buried this deeper, but I believe now that it’s important to highlight.

Do music schools look at grades?  Yes, but not in the way you might think.

For those applying to undergraduate programs, your grades and test scores matter. A LOT! In fact, investing in your grades and test scores can have a huge financial impact on your college experience.

University schools of music will generally offer prospective students academic scholarships—based on grades and financial need—alongside music scholarships, which are determined by audition.  Odds are that the academic scholarships will be larger, so it behooves you to work to keep your GPA up.  Similarly, many public universities will offer incredible financial incentives to students within a top percentile of their graduating class—in many states, if you score within the top 15-10% of your graduating class or within a percentile on the ACT/SAT, in-state tuition can be free. Make sure to file a FAFSA!

For graduate school, I use undergraduate transcripts to identify trends. Universities vary widely in terms of grading procedures, so I like to look for broader trends and outliers (that D- in Ancient Greek, for example) as a way of supporting a candidate’s application case.

Don’t fret on this, but make sure you order your transcripts early so they don’t hold your application back.

The Rest of the Application

While your pre-screening is undoubtably the most important part of your application, don’t sleep on the rest.  At their best, your personal statement, CV, and recommendation letters will highlight your professional ambitions, mitigate the weaknesses in your playing, or help situate your playing along a continuum of growth. Without a little bit of attention, these other documents can raise more questions than they answer.

My advice is always to get as many of these application tasks out of the way as quickly as possible (see my timeline). This allows you to spend more time revising your work and more time PRACTICING for the audition, researching schools, making contact with the faculty, taking lessons, and playing mock auditions. As someone who has coached writing for a number of years, a little bit of effort here goes a looooooong way! Let’s break it down:

Personal Statement

Check if a school has specific requirements about a personal statement.  Absent specific topics, I recommend using the document to articulate your professional goals, describe the work you’ve done so far, and make an argument for how the faculty and school will help you attain effectively reach your objectives.  Your application will typically be read by the faculty evaluating your audition, so think of it as a way to prime the committee for your pre-screening recording and live audition. If you don’t feel comfortable in a facet of your playing, perhaps speaking to it on the personal statement could help contextualize the weakness as an area for growth while demonstrating your potential for clear-headed evaluation.

Your statement should be clear and easy to understand.  Good writing takes time, but bad writing takes time to read. Try to speak to each of the 5Ws: Who, What, Where, Why, and When.  Work to give your application urgency: why does this have to happen NOW?

Some ideas:

  • Describe your personal and professional goals

  • Describe and reflect upon what you’ve done so far to address those goals

  • Articulate a struggle you might have faced along the way and how you are addressing or overcoming the hardship

  • Make an argument for how you would be a great fit for the school. Describe with specificity what you would do in the degree, and how you might envision your relationship with the faculty? No need to flatter the faculty, but work make your case concretely.


The CV is a list of professional activities, with descriptions providing contextualization, intended to provide a complete picture of your work.  A resume is shorter—typically 1-2 pages—and highlights work experiences, skill sets, and achievements.

From the standpoint of the audition committees, several tips:

  • Organization is everything

    • If your CV or resume is well-organized, audition committee members can quickly peruse your work and educational experience and get a broad sense of your background. There’s a subconscious element here as well: success in music school often depends on being organized, and having a clear CV can subtly project that you are clear thinking.

  • Be clear about dates

    • CVs are organized in reverse chronological order, with most recent activities listed first. Make sure your formatting allows the dates of your activities to be clearly visible

  • Give the details

    • Be clear and detailed with regards to your work. Describe the duties at jobs you’ve held in a way that situates the work. If you were a teaching assistant at a school, what were your duties? If you taught at a school, Likewise, help readers get a sense of the significance of performances you list.

Get help with your writing!

Don’t be afraid to seek out help in writing. Seeking coaching demonstrates your commitment to your goals and saves time, allowing you to focus more energy on practicing!

If you’re in high school, your school guidance counselors or English teachers are a good place to start. If you are enrolled in a university, your school’s writing center is a great resource.

You might also think of working with an independent writing coach.

#didyouknow : I have coached writing for 15 years, and have found that 1 session can allay a lot of fears and save lots of time.

Recommendation Letters

Why am I about to spend so much space talking about recommendation letters? Since college auditions are notoriously short, recommendation letters are an easy way to frame your skill and character, buttress your application and audition, and support your case for admission. Faculty will read them, and compare notes with the recommender with regard to your playing, writing, and engagement.

Ideally, a recommendation letter waves your flag while speaking honestly to your strengths and weaknesses. A good recommendation letter can support your applications case, speaking to your strengths and weaknesses. A fantastic letter describes how your weaknesses will be addressed at the school in question while highlighting how the school will allow you to become the best version of yourself, articulating specific waypoints and details that buttress your case.

Who to Ask

It follows, then, that you want your recommenders who know you well and will write emphatically on your behalf. While it’s great to procure a letter from an extremely well known member of your field, a well-crafted argument from a mentor or professor with whom you’ve worked closely can be more powerful.  Who to ask?  Thank about balancing between:

  • Fame/Expertise/Relationship with faculty to whom they are writing

  • Knowledge of your work

  • Knowledge of the degree to which you’re applying or other institutional connection

Some combination of the above three is desirable, or a heavy dose of one.

Some ideas:

  • Private teacher(s)

    • Without a doubt, ask your current private teacher. Your teacher and mentor will write directly and clearly to the faculty at your chosen schools and make your case. As a member of audition committees, I would be wary of a student applying without a letter from their teacher. If your school has more than one teacher with whom you’ve worked closely, get them all involved where possible.

    • Percussionists with whom you’ve worked at previous institutions, summer festivals, or other activities are also great options. If you’re asking someone you don’t see regularly, make sure to keep them up to date on your progress, and be clear about what you’d like them to say (see below)

  • Large Ensemble Conductor

    • A conductor can speak to your preparation in large ensembles. Because percussionists interact with large ensemble conductors more frequently than other instrumentalists, there’s a good chance that they will know your work.

  • Classroom faculty

    • A professor or teacher with whom you’ve worked in a seminar or other class can speak to your academic preparation for a graduate degree, your capacity to grow, and the insightfulness of your ideas. Look for classes in which you had strong interactions with the faculty.

  • Someone who knows you well

    • Work supervisor? Colleague? Collaborator? Each can be a terrific resource. If you ask someone who is less well versed in college applications to write on your behalf, be sure to help them understand the role of their letter in your application process so their recommendation can speak to your role in a collegiate environment.

Don’t despair if you don’t have any of the above people available.  Remember, recommendation letters highlight YOU, not the recommender.  A thoughtful letter from someone who knows you well and can speak to your work ethic and capacity for growth is more than enough.

Bonus points!

Look for recommenders who have some institutional connection to or personally know the faculty at the school to which you’re applying.  Someone who has a DMA from School X can speak directly and with detail about your ability to succeed at School X, and can be a powerful advocate.

More Tips

  • Divide and Conquer

    • Letters are time consuming to write, and most faculty members take them very seriously. Ideally, you want someone who will write a unique letter for each school to which you’re applying, and to be able to speak specifically to why you would be a good git. To reduce strain on non-percussion faculty, I recommend brainstorming a larger pool of recommenders, and asking some to write only to a few of your schools.

  • Tell your recommenders what to write

    • I appreciate it when those asking for recommendations help me frame my writing by providing information about how fit into their plans. Something like “I’d like you to speak to my perpetration for the academic component of the degree” or “would you please talk about our experiences at summer festival X” can be extremely powerful. You might also describe how the school fits into your professional plans, and ask the recommender to speak to your future work. Here’s an example: “I’m interested in school X because of their focus on Y and Z. Could you speak to my ability to do Y and Z, based upon my work in your seminar last semester?”

Keep in mind that not all faculty members are keen on this idea, so gauge their willingness based on your previous interactions.

Standing Out

Don’t be a stranger

Undergraduate and graduate auditions are short! If you are thinking of spending 2 or 4 years working with a faculty, 20 minutes is not a lot of time to assess fit. Strive to interact with the faculty and students at the schools to which you are applying both in advance of and after your audition.

Schedule a lesson with the faculty wherever possible.

Whether in person or remotely, a lesson or meeting is a great what to evaluate your fit with the faculty at each school.  Does the professor communicate in a way that suits your learning style? Do they make insightful and helpful comments? How you engage and interact with the faculty is arguably more important than prestige or renown.

More importantly, scheduling a session with the faculty allows you to demonstrate growth and development in your audition.  If a faculty member makes a comment and you’re able to address the comment between the lesson and your audition, you’ve shown what kind of student you might be and potentially ingratiated yourself.

Be bold and creative here. If you don’t have the funds to travel to the school, ask the faculty member if they might be in your region at some point in the future. See if you can send them a recording and then receive some comments on a live Zoom call. Perhaps the teacher has a student in your area that you could meet with? Maybe you’ll see one another at PASIC?

Get in touch with current students.

Ask the faculty if they might put you in touch with current students or recent alumni of the school.  Speaking with your future studio mates is the best way to get honest, hands-on information about what studying at a school is like and what challenges or concerns you’ll face while on campus.

Final Thoughts

Have fun!

If you made it this far, maybe fun is a sliding scale.

Seriously!? Seriously. Remember, you’re choosing to make music part of your professional life. Music is a tough business, but it’s filled with passion, joy, and energy. Rather than approach your auditions with a sense of existential dread, or feeling like the man from Operation, reframe the process: you are embarking on a journey of intense discovery and learning. You’ll get closer to your teachers and mentors than ever, and explore the exciting possibilities of your future.

What have I left out here? Please be in touch if there’s a topic you’d like to see covered, and good luck with your applications!

Interested in working with me on your applications? I’d love to help you organize your time, assemble your work and put your best foot forward.

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Michael Compitello Michael Compitello

Heart.Throb Streaming

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So excited to share this video of Heart.throb by Nina C. Young with the world, now streaming from I Care if You Listen. Nina’s piece is full of incredible, innovative, phenomenal sounds, highlighted here with a stunning video by Four/Ten Media

It’s an honor to work with such incredible artists, and we hope that you enjoy our little dance party. Big thanks to everyone who helped make this video a reality!

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